Archive for August, 2020

Is Vitamin C Good For Diabetes

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Is Vitamin C Good or Bad For Diabetes

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Hello, I’m Ty Mason from, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes. Today I’m going to answer the question, is Vitamin C good for diabetes. But before we get into that, make sure you download my free diabetes management book which also includes diabetes grocery shopping guide (foods to eat and avoid) by clicking the link:

Citrus. Oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, used years ago to combat scurvy. Why? They didn’t really know back then but now we know that these fruits are rich in Vitamin C.

What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. It also is known as a powerful antioxidant. The role is plays in our bodies is to aid in forming and maintaining connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin.

There are other benefits of Vitamin C. A recent study at the University of Michigan over a 10 year period concluded that “Higher blood levels of vitamin C may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health,” Dr Mark Moyad who conducted the study went on to say, “The more we study vitamin C, the better our understanding of how diverse it is in protecting our health, from cardiovascular, cancer, stroke, eye health [and] immunity to living longer.”

As one with diabetes, 2 benefits really stood out for me in that study: cardiovascular and eye health. Those of us with diabetes are at greater risk of heart and eye diseases.

The only “problem” with this study was that it used 500 mg of Vitamin C daily to achieve these results. The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is 75 mg per day. So unless you can really pack away the fruits and vegetables, you are going to have to take supplements to get those 500mg.

But before you go out and buy those supplements, understand that other studies show that those with diabetes also run risks if they have too much Vitamin C in their diet. Dr. David R. Jacobs Jr., of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis stated that, “Our results, if confirmed by other research, would suggest that diabetics should be more cautious than others about taking supplements.” His study looked at women over a 15 year period who were post menopausal. The results he is talking about is that those with diabetes who took heavy doses of vitamin C supplements — 300 milligrams (mg) a day or more — were roughly twice as likely to die of heart disease or stroke compared with women who took no supplemental C.

So, is Vitamin C good for those with diabetes? It is a good idea to visit your health care provider and be tested for Vitamin C levels before you make that decision. Understand that the studies I have mentioned, while finding seemingly opposite results, both carefully monitored Vitamin C levels in those under the study.

Vitamin C is good for diabetes. But one must also be careful of the amount they take daily, whether in fruits and vegetables or supplements.

I hope this answered your question is Vitamin C good or bad for diabetes. Don’t forget to get your diabetes management book by clicking the link:

Let me know if you have any other diabetes related questions.

Enough research has been done to demonstrate that altered vitamin D and calcium equilibrium in the blood may play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.
Most of the observational studies have contributed towards the consistent association that exists between low vitamin D status, calcium or dairy intake and prevalence of type 2.
Along with calcium insufficiency, there are evidences that Vitamin D deficiency may negatively influence blood glucose level; concluding that combined supplementation with both nutrients may be beneficial in optimizing glucose metabolism.
Learn more –

Dangerous Food That Can Kill You

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Dangerous Food That Can Kill You

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And, of course, what is considered acceptable in one culture could seem like madness to a foreigner. It’s up to you, of course, whether to try some exotic food or not – it’s a matter of taste after all. But there are some exceptions.
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Medicine Hat College International Student Experience

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Discover what the student experience is like at Medicine Hat College.

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