Archive for March, 2021

Common American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries

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Even if you’re pretty healthy in regards to your diet, we can almost guarantee you’ve eaten something in the past week that would be banned in other countries. So should you start rethinking some of your life choices? Here are common U.S. foods that are completely illegal in other countries.

#BannedFood #ArtificialFood

Dairy with rBGH | 0:14
Brominated vegetable oil | 1:00
Potassium bromate | 1:49
GMO fruits and veggies | 2:43
BHA and BHT | 3:08
Artificial dyes | 3:44
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Medicine by Harry Styles [Lyrics Video] (w/ clear audio and lyric effects)

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Medicine as performed live by Harry Styles in Amsterdam, March 14, 2018

I know people still argue about if it’s “him” or “them”, but I went with “with them” because it’s the more logical progression from the previous line.

I think I became a fan overnight and I’m still reeling


Edit: Also, go check out the videos of this song performed at the St. Paul stop! I don’t know what was in the water there but the boy was feelin’ it.


** To the people arguing over whether he’s gay or bi or pan or straight… The most Harry’s ever said concretely about what label he choose? Is that he doesn’t label himself. He’s “never felt the need to”.

We are not entitled to any more than that. No matter what his lyrics say, what beliefs you may hold, or what you think you read from his actions, sexuality isn’t something you can determine for another person. The least we can do is be respectful of the fact that he doesn’t want a label right now, and not try to affix one to him without his say-so.

Calling this song a bi anthem or harry a gay/bi/lesbian icon is one thing. Saying with conviction that he IS gay is another. I think we as a fandom need to work on having more respect for the man we profess to be a fan of.
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The Most DANGEROUS FOOD In The World πŸ™πŸ˜΅

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Yeah, we do love to eat and some dishes are simply mouthwatering. But there are others that will make you think twice about trying them since the consequences could be fatal.


This fruit is native to Jamaica and tastes like nut-butter. In the beginning, a dish based on this fruit was slave-food, but over time Jamaicans claimed it as a national dish and today is a culinary icon of the country.

The key ingredient in this famous Korean dish is live small octopuses. That’s right, these animals are seasoned with sesame seeds and sesame oil, quite a delicacy!

This edible root is also referred to as manioc and is native to South America, Africa, and Asia. It’s used to stuff cakes and other desserts.

African Bullfrog
It’s also known as pixie frog and it’s a usual meal for Namibia natives. This frog species distinguishes from those with edible legs in the fact that this frog can be eaten whole.

This traditional dish from thousands of years ago brings along a content warning. The Egyptian Ministry of Health warns every year about how dangerous eating feseekh is.

We don’t let fish go yet, so get ready because this time I’m going to tell you about a very particular fish that is known for blowing up and doubling its real size because of its elastic stomach.

Smooth Clam
We keep sticking with sea dishes! the smooth clam is very common in Europe, especially in Italy and Spain. The characteristic red color in the smooth clam is because of the sea where the animal lives.

Wild Mushrooms
We come back to land! A mushroom ingredient is very common in many dishes and we easily find mushrooms in the supermarkets.

Monkey Brains
Sure, you can eat this Asian dish raw, cooked, or baked. The very idea of eating raw brains of any animal may seem disturbing to you…

Raw Cashew
You must’ve seen it in the stores and tried it in several get-togethers like it was a healthy snack without knowing about the deadly secret it hides.

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