Can people with prediabetes eat carbs?
This answer to this question is the source of a lot of confusion, frustration, and misinformation for people who need to control their blood sugar. Let’s review what happens to carbs when you eat them and how that influences your “carbohydrate tolerance.” Understanding this concept is the key to controlling your blood sugar, improving your health, and preventing diabetes.
Watch this training to learn more.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You want to be healthy, but the world makes it hard to follow through on your good intentions. We can help you. Join Reversing Prediabetes.
Dr. Topher Fox is an endocrinologist in Superior, Colorado who helps people with prediabetes, diabetes, and overweight understand (1) the right thing to do for good nutrition, exercise, and sleep and (2) how to actually do those things consistently, without having to rely on pure willpower.

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