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20 Deadliest Foods People Actually Eat

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It boggles my mind that some people forgo everyday food like bread and cheese for something potentially dangerous and deadly. It’s like people are looking for bragging rights by eating something that can cause a serious amount of harm. Although, some everyday food can be dangerous, as well. From live octopus to ordinary kidney beans, here are 20 deadliest foods people actually eat.

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Most HARMFUL Foods People Keep EATING

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The Temperature Danger Zone | Food Safety for People with Weakened Immune Systems [Part 2 of 9]

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This video series talks about Food Safety for People with Weakened Immune Systems. In this video you will learn:
1. What the temperature danger zone is
2. How to protect food from the temperature danger zone

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The Most DANGEROUS Foods People Actually Eat!

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What are some of the dangerous foods people eat out there? Would you guys ever try Fugu, which is a type of fish with toxins that can potentially paralyze you?! Or what about Hakarl, a national dish of Iceland that’s made of rotten shark meat?! Find about about all the most dangerous foods that people actually eat in this video!

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Here are some of the most dangerous foods that people actually will eat!

10 – Raw Baby Octopus
Also known as San-nakji, this dish is basically a raw, small octopus that’s sometimes eaten alive! Even if it isn’t alive prior to consumption, many of the nerve cells are still firing and the tentacles still move around. This really odd feature is thanks to their nervous system with neurons located in the arms. Getting past that mental hurdle of wiggling tentacles isn’t the tough part. It’s being able to actually swallow the tentacles that’s the hardest task here. The tentacles contain miniature suction cups that keep on working even when the octopus isn’t alive. Yep. They can hold onto someone’s throat. Do I really need to mention choking hazards here?! Would YOU eat a raw baby octopus?! Let us know in the comments! And oh yeah, do us a favor, hit that like button, down here!

9 – Hakarl
The fact that humans still eat rotten shark meat this day and age makes you wonder how we evolved to be the smartest, most advanced species ever to roam the planet. But you know what, here we are! This dish is from Iceland, where Hakarl is a traditional dish. Hakarl is a mixture of Greenland Shark and other Sleeper Sharks that’s hung up to dry for five months to ferment before eating. Sound appetizing yet? Since this fresh shark meat is poisonous when it’s fresh of a high content of urea and trimethylamine oxide, chefs have to go to great lengths to prepare it for consumption. When the sharks are first caught, they’re gutted and placed in a shallow sandy hole for several weeks. Then strips of the meat are hung up for five months. Just try and imagine THAT smell! Hákarl contains a large amount of ammonia and has a strong smell, similar to many cleaning products. People trying it for the first time apparently gag involuntarily on the first attempt to eat it because of the high ammonia content! Yeah, that’s gonna be a no for me dawg. First-timers are advised to pinch their nose while taking the first bite, as the smell is much stronger than the taste. While this is a well liked dish in Iceland, the rest of the world seems to hate Hakarl. Anthony Bourdain described it as quote “the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing.” Chef Gordon Ramsay tried it and….well you can pretty much guess how that went. Anyway, not only can this meat be dangerous if it isn’t prepared right, the payoff seems to be virtually non existent!

8 – Casu Marzu
Does rotten cheese made from sheep milk with maggots swimming around in it sound tasty? It’s soft cheese with putrid liquid from wormy maggots. Yet, there are Italians that like to eat this dish! Pecorino cheese is left outside for days, while larvae lay eggs in the cheese. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae will chomp their way through the cheese. Meanwhile, acid from their digestive system just pours into the cheese. Unsurprisingly, this cheese is often unsafe to eat. To begin with, it’s only safe to eat it WHILE THE MAGGOTS ARE ALIVE! Also, if you eat any of the maggots, there’s a good chance that they can survive on the inside of your intestines, a condition called pseudomyiasis. The European Union has banned the cheese, and offenders face heavy fines. Because of this, casu marzu can only be found on the black market!

10 Most DANGEROUS Foods People Actually Eat!

From food that fights back to forest mushrooms that have brought down Roman Emperors, come with me as I explore the ten most dangerous foods people actually eat.

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10: Sannakji – South Korean Wriggling Octopus
How does a nice squirmy octopus sound for lunch? Not quite so yummy as a cheeseburger, right? But across the ocean in South Korea, octopus is practically a dietary staple. Almost everyone eats octopus. And most of the octopus they eat is fried, grilled, or otherwise cooked. But we’re not here to talk about safely cooked octopus, we’re here to talk about sannakji.

9: Cassava – Root with a Side of Cyanide
Cassava is a root found across the world, primarily in South America, the Caribbean, and West Africa. In the United States it’s consumed in a dry, powered form known as tapioca. This is perfectly safe to eat. However, in some remote regions of the developing world people eat the cassava root just like you or I might eat a potato.

8: Blood Clams – Virus-Infested Seafood
What sounds more appetizing than blood clams? I sure can’t think of anything, except maybe a good ol’ fashioned bowl of chicken-foot soup with coagulated chunks of chicken blood – yes, it’s exactly as yummy as it sounds. Blood clams, however, unlike blood soup, don’t actually contain any blood. Inside of each clam’s soft tissue is a red, viscous hemoglobin that looks a whole lot like gelatinous blood. What you get is a rusty-looking vampire clam.

7: Casu Marzu – Maggot Cheese
The Italians are known for a lot of things: Ancient Rome, building roads, delicious wines, pizza, and of course, cheese. But just how far will Italians go in the name of a good cheese? Well, the folks on the picturesque Italian island of Sardinia have a peculiar delicacy called casu marzu, also known as maggot cheese.

6: Hákarl – Viking Shark Meat
People have been eating sharks for as long as the spear and harpoon have been around. China, Japan, Korea – Thailand, Vietnam, India, Mexico – and even Canada are all countries where you can find smoked, salted, or dried shark meat for casual consumption. But over in Iceland, shark meat comes with a bit more bite than you’d care to receive.

5: African Bullfrog – More Than Just Frog Legs
When you think of a tasty snack, you probably think about a bag of chips, maybe some popcorn, but what about an African bullfrog? It would take a really dedicated foodie to sample one of these toxic frogs common in some African countries, especially Namibia. And whereas the French are notorious for eating frog legs, in Namibia you are going to be eating the entire frog. That’s right, the entire toxic amphibian. I hope you packed your bib!

4: Fugu – The Infamous Pufferfish
Fugu is definitely the most notorious item on my list. I almost don’t need to say anything about it. We are all familiar with the deadly pufferfish, the fat and toxic blowfish found in wet markets and specialty restaurants all over Japan. And even though we all know how terribly dangerous taking a bite out of the pufferfish can be, people still flock to these restaurants to show their mettle by eating one. And while most people don’t die from it, between 2000 and 2009 23 people did.

3: Monkey Brains – Myth or Reality?
When you think about eating monkey brains, the first thing that comes to mind is the infamous scene from Indiana Jones in which they scoop the monkey brains out of the live monkey’s head! If that isn’t sick, I don’t know what is. Fortunately, this is not something that’s practiced, nor has it ever been documented as a practice.

2: Death Caps – Killer Mushrooms on the Loose
Death caps don’t exactly have an inviting name, do they? And for good reason. The death cap mushroom is one of the world’s most deadly mushrooms. A single bite can kill a full grown man in hours. And while it seems like a pretty sloppy move to feast freely on something with “death” right there in its name, the death cap is actually responsible for almost half of all reported mushroom poisonings. This European mushroom isn’t playing around!

1: Bats – Winged Disease Factories
Bats have been hunted and eaten ever since man stood on two legs. In fact, bats were one of the biggest food sources almost 100,000 years ago. That’s right, I’m talking about cavemen. See, back then it was easy to enter a cave filled with tens of thousands of bats and start plucking them out of the air until your basket was full of winged devils.

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