Archive for the tag: Sugar

What is Prediabetes? Understanding Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetes Diagnosis

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What is Prediabetes? Understanding Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetes Diagnosis

Confused about prediabetes and blood sugar levels? This video explains what prediabetes is and how it relates to blood sugar levels. Discover the normal fasting blood sugar range, diabetic levels, and the abnormal sugar levels indicating prediabetes. Understand the importance of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. #Prediabetes #BloodSugarLevels #DiabetesDiagnosis #FastingBloodSugar #HealthyLiving #HealthTips #DiabetesPrevention #PrediabetesAwareness #GlucoseLevels #Type2Diabetes
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6 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar & Reverse Prediabetes Naturally (Without Medication)

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6 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar & Reverse Prediabetes Naturally (Without Medication)

1 out of every 3 adults in America has prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, over 8 out of 10 don’t know they have it. Prediabetes can be prevented and reversed. There are many strategies to reverse prediabetes naturally without medications. This episode covers 6 tips including how to reduce your blood sugar level and how to lower your A1c.

Note: Reshape Physical Therapy and Wellness evolved into Weight Loss for Health, and finally Zivli. How to Lose Weight After 50 was our first course that eventually grew into Zivli. Some old blog posts or resources mentioned in this episode may have been removed.

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Dr. Morgan Nolte is a doctor of physical therapy and a board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Nolte and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Zivli, LLC and Morgan Nolte, PT, DPT are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.

#prediabetes #insulinresistance #diabetes #bloodsugar
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4 Easy Diabetes-Friendly Recipes That Won't Raise Blood Sugar

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Looking for a healthy, diabetes-friendly meal ideas? Then these 4 super easy breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert recipes are for you!

Today’s menu:
🍳Omelet with Mozzarella Cheese, Tomatoes
🍔Bunless Lettuce Cheeseburger with Veggies
🥩Pork Chops with Mushroom Sauce
🍮Almond Truffles

🚨Let us help you manage your diabetes with Klinio👉🚨

Sugar can be found in the most unexpected places, from sauces to cured meats. The transition to eating only limited amounts of sugar might be hard, but it’s necessary for people with diabetes. It may be challenging to make the switch to eating only small amounts of sugar, but it is necessary for people with diabetes.

Klinio diabetes management app offers a personalized meal plan that covers your caloric intake, macronutrient composition, and the amount of sugar and cholesterol you need to consume. Start slowly by reducing carbs in your diet, and benefit from a customized meal plan that adapts with time.

The Klinio app generates a diabetic meal plan based on your caloric intake, macronutrient composition, sugar, and cholesterol requirements. Reduce carbs in your diet gradually, and benefit from a diabetes meal plan that adapts over time.


💥5 Best Diabetes Exercise Tips to Lower Blood Sugar | Diabetes Workout👇

💥Newly Diagnosed With Diabetes? Here’s What You Should Do👇

💥Guide to Diabetes Medications: All You Need to Know👇


Klinio channel creates reliable, fact-based, entertaining videos about diabetes mellitus and diabetes management. Here you will find useful tips and tricks, diet and nutrition advices, no-equipment workouts, the latest research, and healthy yet tasty recipes. Let’s make your diabetes journey easier!

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** The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional professional**

Diabetes is a wake up call: Control sugar

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Diabetes is a wake up call
Control sugar
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Easy Tips to Control Blood sugar during Pregnancy | Pregnancy Diabetes – Dr. Poornima Murthy

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Blood sugar during pregnancy is controlled in 3 ways, one is exercise diet and third is meditation. Usually diet and exercise are the first tried, if the blood sugars do not come under control with these two, then only medications are started. When we come to exercises exercise, as in she needs to go for half an hour to 45 minutes of walking everyday and the speed of the walk it depends on the comfort of the patient and there is something known as isometric exercise . Isometric exercises are done in the sitting posture at home. Here one kg weight are grasped in both the hands and there is flexion of the arm at the elbow joint, flexion and extension are continuous movements about 3 to 4 sets are done each set is topped when the patient is tired and when she has some amount of shortness of breath. These are isometric exercise and any other form of exercise can be performed like yoga she can go for swimming and some amount of light dancing can be done. Coming to diet, diet she has to follow a diabetic diet, she has to take regular frequent meals, she has to keep up her time an these meals are divided into 6 portions, one is breakfast lunch and dinner, and in between breakfast and lunch, and in between lunch and dinner and late midnight snack, here the carbohydrate should constitute about 50 to 55% and proteins about 20 to 25% and fat about 15% and in between snacks should consist about whole-wheat bread and some biscuits devoid of sugar and direct sweets to be avoided and pastries, cakes, chocolates, ice creams to be avoided and sugar has to be brought down, rice content to be brought down, and she needs to eat more of wheat and ragi and after every meal if she can do some amount of light walking, that would very very helpful and the last would be medications. Medications would be oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin. Insulin is given for all diabetic patients. But now oral hypoglycaemic agents like metformin and glipizide are used and the doses of these are adjusted according to the sugar of the patient.
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Dr. Siobhan Dolan of the March of Dimes explains why it’s important to manage high blood pressure during pregnancy. High blood pressure can cause pregnancy complications like premature birth, low birthweight, placental abruption and preeclampsia. Learn how you can get your blood pressure under control during pregnancy.
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Prediabetes Blood Sugar Levels

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Prediabetes blood sugar levels and A1C levels are discussed. It is basically a borderline diabetic situation, where if no changed are made, type 2 diabetes will occur. Also talk about changes and treatments that may reverse or treat prediabetes.
#T2D #Prediabetes #bloodsugar
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Blood Sugar Health Tips – Pre Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels! – by Dr Sam Robbins

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Blood Sugar Health Tips - Pre Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels! - by Dr Sam Robbins

Pre-Diabetes? Discover how to quickly improve your blood sugar and prevent the future health problems that come with Diabetes.

********************** Blood Sugar Health Tips – Pre Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels! *******************************

Pre-diabetes will almost always develop into (Type 2) diabetes if left unchecked. It’s a wake-up call and a “warning” for your future health. Pre-Diabetes can be reversed.

Simply making some small adjustments in each of these categories will make fast results for you, which means, more energy; less body fat; better cognition and you will simply look and feel YOUNGER!

However, time is of the essence. If you have a Pre-Diabetes blood sugar level, visit Dr.Sam Robbins at this link to stay healthy.

Solution that works fast and easy is simple, effective and proven.
“All-In-One” solution is Blood Sugar Optimizer™ which is the small pill that helps you to lower blood sugar & glucose level. It’s also helps you to improve insulin sensitivity and prevent cravings & energy crashes.


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16 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High & 8 Diabetes Symptoms

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16 signs your blood sugar is high & 8 diabetes symptoms. The first thing that comes to mind for most people when the discussion of health and high blood sugar is brought up is diabetes. It’s an extremely dangerous and deadly condition, but long before the individual is diagnosed with it, the body gives away signs that their blood sugar level is very high. This will help us stay as healthy as possible.

#DiabetesSymptoms #HighBloodSugar #Diabetic


16. Excessive Urination/Urinating During the Night: Granted if you drink high amounts of water before you go to bed, there is a good chance you’re waking up in the middle of the night to urinate. But if you’re blood sugar level is too high, you could pick up a urinary tract infection which can result in excessive urinating.

15. Blurred Vision: Don’t overreact and go buy a pair of glasses if you begin to have temporary blurred vision. In most cases it’s high blood sugar, which causes the lens in the eyes to swell up.

14. Difficulty Concentrating: When the body is lacking insulin, it’s unable to remove glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. This doesn’t allow the body to properly function. This is why you feel tired and can’t concentrate properly. High blood sugar levels can dehydrate you because the body is trying to remove excess glucose through urination.

13. Dry Mouth: Because of the high glucose levels in your blood and saliva, which are caused by high blood sugar levels, your mouth becomes dry.

12. Impotence: This issue which only refers to men, stems from problems that are caused by poor long-term blood sugar control. This damages the nerves and the blood vessels.

11. Recurrent Infections: There are several recurring infections that need to be monitored. Dysfunction of the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. Also watch out for numerous diseases in the pancreas and severe increase in blood glucose.

10. Slow Healing Wounds: If you find that the smallest cuts and bruises are taking longer than usual to heal, high blood sugar levels could be the cause. It affects the nerves and can lead to poor blood circulation, making it tough for blood – need for skin repair – to reach the wounded area.

9. Stomach Problems: When you have high blood sugar levels, emptying the food from your stomach could be delayed. This can lead to bloating, distention, abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

8. Constant Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness: If your thyroid level is low, there is a good chance you are going to feel tired, sleepy or depressed. In order to fight infections, it takes energy, which can result in constant fatigue and high blood sugar levels.

7. Thirst: When you have high blood sugar levels, your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar. In order to achieve that, liquids need to flow through the body in order to urinate the sugar.

6. Dry and Itchy Skin: When there is poor blood circulation flow through the body, it causes itchy skin. The most common areas of the body that become itchiest are the lower parts of your legs.

5. Always Hungry: You may be one of those people that have a big appetite, and that’s fine. However, for people who normally do not have a large appetite, this could be because you’re lacking a hormone called incretin. Incretin reduces the flow of sugar from the liver after consuming a meal. If you lack this hormone, food empties quicker and you’ll be hungry again shortly after dinner, which increases your blood sugar level.

4. Excess Abdominal Weight/Fat: This is one of the most common signs that you have high blood sugar levels. The food that you have consumed was not all able to get into the cells as energy which would nourish the cells, so in turn, you feel hungry again.

3. Nerve Problems: Simply put, if your blood sugar levels are high, it can damage the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves, which can lead to nerve problems.

2. Skin Changes: If you begin to experience discoloration and certain growths on your skin, your blood sugar level may be high. Also, you may notice dark, thick areas of skin may begin to form on the back of your neck and your hands as well.

1. Tingling and Numbness: This goes hand-in-hand with nerve damage. If you experience tingling and numbness in certain areas of your body, your blood sugar level may be high. This type of nerve damage is called neuropathy.

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